miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014

Later (magazine)

Later was a monthly men's magazine (and "British lad magazine") published by IPC Media from April 1999 to early 2001.
In an interview with Sam Delaney (who was deputy editor of Later in 2001 when he was 24 years old) in Heat magazine, "Later [was] designed to be Loaded for settled men in their 30s".
The UK band Madness was interviewed in the September 1999 issue.
In October 1999, Later featured an article on Tiswas, a 1974-1982 UK children's television series.
In January 2000, Mid Night Club, a Japanese street racing gang, was featured in an article by Andy Wilman.
In April 2000, "the editor of Later magazine had declared fatherhood 'the new rock 'n' roll'" and "better known for showing men how to nurse their pints than their kids, supplemented its usual fare (scantily clad models, gizmos, booze, fighting and sports) with a section called 'Dad.' In an earnest attempt to meld adolescent recklessness...

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