viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

Ahhotep I

Ahhotep I (alternatively spelled Ahhotpe or Aahhotep, meaning "Iah (the Moon) is satisfied"), was an Ancient Egyptian queen who lived circa 1560- 1530 BC, during the end of the Seventeenth dynasty of ancient Egypt, she was the daughter of Queen Tetisheri (known as Teti the Small) and Senakhtenre Ahmose, and was probably the sister, as well as the wife, of pharaoh Seqenenre Tao. Ahhotep I had a long and influential life.
Her titles include Great Royal Wife and "The associate of the White Crown brearer" (khnemet nefer hedjet). The title King's Mother (mwt niswt) was found on the Deir el Bahari coffin.
Different Ahhoteps
The naming / numbering of these queens named Ahhotep has changed during the years. Outlining the different naming and numbering conventions over the years:
Late nineteenth century: Ahhotep I was thought to be the wife of Seqenenre Tao. The coffins of Deir el Bahari and Dra' Abu el-Naga' were...

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