Heavenly Puss is a 1948 one-reel animated cartoon and is the 42nd Tom and Jerry short, created in 1948, and released on 9 July 1948. It was directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, and produced by Fred Quimby. The cartoon's music was composed by Scott Bradley and the animation was credited to Ray Patterson, Irven Spence, Kenneth Muse and Ed Barge.
The cartoon begins with Tom sleeping near the fireplace. While he is, Jerry sneaks past him, trying not to wake up. But after Jerry sneaks past him, Tom opens and eye and seems him going by. Jerry then goes up onto the dinner table and hides behind a candle stick, not knowing that Tom knows that he's there with a large knife in his hand. Then Jerry tries to reach for the food on the table, but Tom quickly tows down the knife, nearly cutting off Jerry's hand. Then Tom tries to kill Jerry, but ends up slicing the candle in half. A typical chase begins between Tom and Jerry, and the mouse runs up...
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