viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Midge Potts

Midgelle Regina Potts (born Mitchell Eugene Potts in Gainesville, MO) - known as Midge Potts - is a transgender peace activist and Navy veteran who ran as a Progressive Party (Green Party) candidate in the 2010 Missouri Senate election. Potts has primarily been associated with Code Pink, who gained media attention in 2007 after appearing in the background during Valerie Plame's testimony before a House panel on March 16, 2007. Potts sat a few rows behind Plame and repeatedly mugged for C-SPAN cameras wearing a shirt labeled "Impeach Bush Now." Plame was seen looking back at Potts after her testimony. Photos of the protest appeared almost immediately on the Drudge Report and Potts was interviewed the following afternoon on CNN.
Potts served aboard the destroyer tender USS Yosemite (AD-19) off the coast of Kuwait during the Gulf War. It was there that Potts was exposed to evaporated mercury in an engine room aboard the ship, and was offered...

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