domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

Thorkild Hansen

Thorkild Hansen (9 January 1927 – 4 February 1989) was a Danish novelist known for his Slave Trilogy. He also wrote books about Knut Hamsun and volumes of travel writing. In 1971 he won the Nordic Council's Literature Prize. He is known as one of the most read novelists in Danish literature. He died prematurely, during a voyage in the Caribbean.
Selected works

Arabia Felix: The Danish Expedition of 1761-1767 (Det lykkelige Arabien, 1962)
Coast of Slaves (Slavernes kyst, 1967)
Ships of Slaves (Slavernes skibe, 1968)
The Way to Hudson Bay: The Life and Times of Jens Munk (Jens Munk, 1969)
Islands of Slaves (Slavernes øer, 1970)
Processen mod Hamsun, 1978 (apparently never translated into English), adapted as a film (1996) with Max von Sydow as Knut Hamsun.


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