martes, 30 de diciembre de 2014

Editora Globo

The Editora Globo (Globo Editors) is a respected Brazilian publishing house, property of Fundação Roberto Marinho. It began as a bookstore called Livraria do Globo, created in Porto Alegre, in December 1883, by Laudelino Pinheiro de Barcellos and Saturnino Alves Pinto.
The bookstore "Livraria do Globo" begun as in a little store located at "Rua da Praia" (Beach's Road) Number 268. The bookstore worked daily since 6:30 am to 10:00 pm, including Saturdays. With a little business success, the bookstore started working as a graphic house, making bookbidings and other small services and the building where it was located suffered a small reformation.
In 1917, the bookstore became an intellectual point, receiving the daily visit of writers, poets, politicians and liberal thinkers. Its first branch store was created in Santa Maria, near the old ferryway center of Rio Grande do Sul. The "Livraria do Globo's" owners decided to create an own magazine...

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