jueves, 29 de enero de 2015

Sandfly fever Naples virus

Sandfly fever Naples virus (SFNV) is an antigenic species of Phlebovirus genus within the Bunyaviridae family. It is an enveloped RNA virus with a tripartite genome (S, M and L segments.) The Phlebovirus genus consists of two main groups, the Sandfly fever serogroup and the Uukuniemi (UUK) serogroup. The Sandfly group's natural reservoir is sandflys, while the natural reservoir for Uukuniemi is ticks. The SFNV serogroup consists of two main seroomplexes associated with disease in humans, the Naples and Sicilian serocomplexes. Sandfly fever induces myalgia, fever, and elevated liver enzymes in humans. It is difficult to diagnose outside endemic areas.
Natural reservoir
Phlebotomine sandflies (Psychodidae) are the natural reservoir and transmit to humans via bite. Psychodidae has a wide geographical distribution.
External links

Sandfly fever Naples virus taxonomy
Bunyaviridae Genomes—database search results from

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