martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

Living With Ed

Living With Ed is an American reality television show.
It was originally shown on HGTV in 2007. In 2009 a new version began showing on the new Planet Green channel.
The show follows actor Ed Begley, Jr. in his quest to live his life with a small carbon footprint. The series records the conflicts between him and his less zealous wife Rachelle Carson who many times suffers due to her husband's uncompromising beliefs. One of the most frequent capers Begley engages in is making his home environmentally more friendly, which he competes with his best friend Bill Nye. Other celebrities have appeared on the show including Jay Leno, Jackson Browne and Jack McGee.

Commenting in 2006 on the appeal of the show, Begley said:

"In the format of the show, everyone who watches—even people who have never thought about living a low-impact, environmentally conscious life—will be able to relate. They’ll come away with a raised awareness, but they’ll also...

2 comentarios:

  1. Ricardo Miguel Luis en facebook dice:

    Cómo vivir contaminando lo mínimo...

  2. Txino en wordpress dice:

    O malvivir ... yo sin mis 4x4 no voy a ningún lado!!
    Y siempre con mi M16 en el maletero ... por si los hippies!!
