martes, 26 de agosto de 2014

Battle of Otonetë

The battle of Otonetë occurred on September 27, 1446, in upper Dibra in Albania. The Ottoman commander, Mustafa Pasha, was sent into Albania, but was soon intercepted and defeated by Skanderbeg. It was one of the many victories won by Skanderbeg.
Soon after Skanderbeg united the Albanian princes in 1443, the Ottoman Empire sent forces to quell the rebellion. The first army to be sent was defeated in 1444 at Torvioll. Another force was sent one year later but was again defeated by Skanderbeg at Mokra. After establishing diplomatic relations with many major European powers, Murad II resumed his campaign to crush all remaining resistance in the Balkans.
Prelude and battle
As Murad prepared his forces to launch a campaign against Hunyadi, who was in that year proclaimed regent of Hungary, he sent a force of 15,000 cavalry under Mustafa Pasha into Albania. The Turkish plan was to fight a war of attrition, pillaging the land and inflicting...

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