domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

First Warning

First Warning is the name of a severe weather warning system designed for broadcast television stations, typically those in the United States. A weather advisory product based on First Warning, called First Alert, is an automated version of this product, which has come into widespread use by television stations and is marketed under different names depending on the graphics service vendor.
Both products are typically used by television stations that have an in-house news and weather operation, although some television stations that do not broadcast news at all or have their newscasts produced by another station in their market may use the system as well.
First Warning was created in 1990 by Gary England, then the chief meteorologist of CBS affiliate KWTV in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (a city which historically has had the highest number of tornado strikes of any U.S. city since tornado records began to be logged in 1890), and went into...

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