domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

John Atkins (naval surgeon)

John Atkins (1685–1757), was a British Royal naval surgeon.
Atkins received his professional education as a surgeon's apprentice, and immediately entered the navy. He records wounds which he treated in Sir George Rooke's victory off Malaga (1703). In 1707 he was in some small actions with the French in the Channel, and in 1710 he served in the Lion man-of-war at the battle of Vaia Bay.
The ship was commanded by Captain Galfridus Walpole, whose right arm was severely wounded. Atkins cut it off above the elbow and sat up two whole nights with the patient afterwards, ‘supposing a tenderness and respect would engage his good opinion and consequently his interest.’ This interested attention did not gain its object, for Captain Galfridus gave no thanks for it, being, as Atkins bitterly observes, ‘the reverse of his brother (Sir Robert), loving cheapness in all jobs’ (Navy Surgeon, 137).
In February 1721 Atkins sailed from Spithead for...

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