sábado, 23 de agosto de 2014

Pope Christodolos of Alexandria

Pope Christodolos of Alexandria (also known as Abd-el-Messiah), 66th Pope of Alexandria & Patriarch of the See of St. Mark.
He joined the Paromeos Monastery in the Nitrian Desert before becoming a Pope. During his tenure Cairo became the fixed and official residence of the Coptic Pope, when he moved the Seat of the Coptic Orthodox Pope of Alexandria to Saint Mary's The Hanging Church in Cairo.
Infighting between the Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church and the El Muallaqa Church broke out due to the wishes of that patriarch's desire to be consecrated in the Hanging Church, a ceremony that traditionally took place at Saints Sergius and Bacchus.
Relations with Antioch
The Patriarchs of Antioch and the Pope of Alexandria had for many years kept in close touch with one another. More than once their relations were strained, as happened particularly in the time of Patriarch John IX bar Shushan, and Christodulus, when they fell out over the proper...

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