martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse Act

The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse Act is a Canadian government legislation signed into law on September 13, 1988. The purpose of the Act is to establish the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, recognized as a charity, for the purposes of the Income Tax Act, overseen by Health Canada. The Centre's purpose is to promote increased awareness on the part of Canadians of matters relating to alcohol and drug abuse and their increased participation in the reduction of harm associated with such abuse, and to promote the use and effectiveness of programs of excellence that are relevant to alcohol and drug abuse by:
(a) promoting and supporting consultation and co-operation among governments, the business community and labour, professional and voluntary organizations in matters relating to alcohol and drug abuse;
(b) contributing to the effective exchange of information on alcohol and drug abuse;
(c) facilitating and contributing to the development and application...

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