miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

Marquis Johann von Pallavicini

Johann Markgraf von Pallavicini (Hungarian: Pallavicini János őrgróf; 18 March 1848 – 4 May 1941), was an Austro-Hungarian diplomat, notably serving as Ambassador at the Sublime Porte during World War I.
Born in Padua on 18 March 1848 into an ancient noble family. He entered the Austro-Hungarian foreign service after studies in Ödenburg (now Sopron) and Vienna. In 1871, he was dispatched as attaché to Berlin, in 1878 to Paris and in 1880 to London. In 1887, he was an embassy secretary in Belgrade and in 1894 a counselor in Munich before being sent to St. Petersburg the same year. He was appointed minister at Bucharest in January 1899.
On 5 October 1906, Marquis von Pallavicini was appointed ambassador at Constantinople (now Istanbul) by Emperor Franz Joseph I. In 1911, he temporarily acted as Foreign Minister during the illness of Count Lexa von Aehrenthal. Marquis von Pallavicini was widely regarded as one of the most respected diplomats...

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