viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci

The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci (Russian: Воскресшие боги. Леонардо да Винчи, Resurrected Gods. Leonardo da Vinci, in literal translation) is the second novel by Dmitry Merezhkovsky, first published in 1900 by Mir Bozhy magazine, then released as a separate edition 1901. The novel constitutes the second part of the Christ and Antichrist (1895-1907), started by the writer's debut novel The Death of the Gods.
Merezhkovsky started working upon the second novel right after the first one, The Death of Gods, was finished, submerging himself in studying the history of Renaissance. By this time he had the vision of the trilogy as a whole. In 1896 with Zinaida Gippius (and accompanied by Severny Vestnik editor Akim Volynsky) he made a journey to Europe visiting places where Leonardo da Vinci had stayed while accompanying Francis I of France.
The plans of publishing the novel in Severny Vestnik had...

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