Atascadero High School is an American public high school located in Atascadero, California. Atascadero High School is 1 of 2 high schools in the Atascadero Unified School District. The school receives its students mainly from the Atascadero Junior High School and Atascadero Fine Arts Academy, and also attracts students from outlying areas of northern and eastern San Luis Obispo County. The mission of Atascadero High School is to provide educational opportunities which empower students to reach their fullest potential, and participate as responsible and productive citizens in a continuously changing world. All students have access to personal support services, activities, and opportunities, and have equal access to the school’s many programs.
The school offers different paths of study, from trade-based programs to a wide variety of college prep, honors, and advanced placement courses. The school has a rigorous, relevant...
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