domingo, 8 de febrero de 2015

Historic Brass Society

Founded in 1988, The Historic Brass Society (HBS) is an international music organization whose goal is to promote the exchange of serious ideas about the history and performance of brass instruments and music, ranging from Antiquity through the twentieth century.
The Society was created by participants in the annual Early Brass Festival, founded in 1985, in Amherst, Massachusetts. In a short time the Society grew in size and initiated an ambitious publishing program. Since 1989, it has produced an annual journal, the Historic Brass Society Journal and, from 1989 through 2005 it published the Historic Brass Society Newsletter which was then supplanted by more timely content presented on its multifaceted website, In addition, it publishes a series of books in conjunction with Pendragon Press, the Bucina book series. It also sponsors workshops, conferences, and symposia world-wide. The Historic...

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