sábado, 7 de febrero de 2015

The Garbage-Men

The Garbage-Men is an American musical group of five high school students from Sarasota, Florida. The band was founded in 2010 by students Ollie Gray and Jack Berry. The band promotes recycling, a green eco-friendly message, by playing music on instruments they make from garbage and recycled materials. The Garbage-Men perform their instrumental interpretations of classic hits for audiences large and small at various venues including street festivals, science museums, and charity events. They can often be seen busking on street corners, including a show in Times Square, NYC.
The band has appeared on America's Got Talent, CNN,NPR's Science Friday, TIME Magazine for Kids, The Blue Man Group's Invent an Instrument Contest, and PBS Gulf Coast Journal with Jack Perkins, the latter of which received an Emmy. The band is also referenced in the paperback edition of Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affair with Trash by Pulitzer Prize–winning author, Edward Humes.
They have...

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