sábado, 26 de julio de 2014


Idling is running an engine that is powering a vehicle when it is not moving. An idling engine consumes only enough power to keep itself and its accessories running, therefore, producing no usable power to the drive train. In some cases it may be beneficial to run the engine before starting a journey as it warms the engine and circulates the fluids, preventing the interaction of cold parts, reducing friction and maintaining maximum driving efficiency during route. Some manufacturers instruct against idling as well as cold racing; and in favor of smoothly running a recently started vehicle.
Idle reduction is a rapidly growing trend in US federal, state, local and fleet policy. Each year idling uses up several billion gallons of fuel and contributes significantly to the transportation sector’s portion of yearly greenhouse gas emissions. The US Department of Energy is putting forth a huge effort through the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program to increase public awareness...

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