jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

Prekmurje Slovene

Prekmurian, also known as the Pannonian-Slovene, East-Slovene, or Wendish (Slovene: prekmurščina, prekmursko narečje, Hungarian: vend nyelv, muravidéki nyelv, Prekmurian: prekmürski jezik, prekmürščina, prekmörščina, prekmörski jezik, panonska slovenščina) is a supradialectal regional literary language, classified as Slovene. It is used in private communication, in liturgy, and in publications by authors from Prekmurje. It is spoken in the Prekmurje region of Slovenia and by the Hungarian Slovenes in Vas county in western Hungary. It is closely related to the Slovene dialects in neighboring Slovene Styria, as well as to the Kajkavian dialect of Croatian.
Prekmurian is one of the few Slovene dialects in Slovenia that is still spoken by all strata of the local population. It also had its own written standard and a literary tradition, both of which were largely neglected after World War II. There are divergent opinions regarding the status of Prekmurian...

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