domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

Reich & sexy

For the 2002 album, see Reich & sexy II: Die fetten Jahre

Reich & sexy (Rich & sexy) (subtitled: Ihre 20!! grössten Erfolge [Their 20!! biggest achievements]) is the first greatest hits compilation by the German punk band Die Toten Hosen. The album is an apparent tribute to Johnny Thunders, as both "Wort zum Sonntag" (a tribute to punk and Johnny) and "Born to Lose" (a Heartbreakers cover recorded with Johnny) are included on this album, moreover, these songs come consecutively.
The album is notable for its cover, where the band members are standing/laying naked among naked women. Some DTH albums (Opel-Gang, Kauf MICH!, Bis zum bitteren Ende) are in a couple of women's hands.
The second DTH best-of album shares its title with this album (Reich & sexy II: Die fetten Jahre).
Track listing

"Hier kommt Alex" (Here comes Alex) (Meurer/Frege

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