domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014

Orthodoxy in Norway

Orthodox Christianity in Norway is a small minority religion in Norway with 8,492 official members in 2010, up from 2,315 in 2000.
History of the Orthodox Church in Norway
Since the Viking era Scandinavians and specifically Norwegians came into contact with both the Byzantine Empire and their neighbors, the Russians. Several of the Viking chiefs and kings not only resided in Novgorod but also helped to make Kiev an important medieval center. At some point during the late ninth or early tenth century Kiev fell under the rule of Varangians and became the nucleus of the Rus' polity. In a number of contemporary sources it is in fact the Scandinavavians whom were known as "Rus", another term was used for the numerous Slavic tribes.
In the 16th century a Russian missionary, St. Tryphon of Pechenga, evangalized some of the Sami population of Norway and built an Orthodox chapel along the Neiden River. Following the socialist revolution in 1917, a number...

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