lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Franz Douskey

Franz Douskey is an American writer. His work has been published in hundreds of magazines and anthologies, including The Nation, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, Las Vegas Life, Yankee, The Georgia Review, Baseball Diamonds, and Yellow Silk. His first full length book of poetry, "Rowing Across the Dark," was published by the University of Georgia Press in 1984.
More recent work includes a 2011 collection of poetry, "West of Midnight," published by the New York Quarterly Press and nominated twice for a Pulitzer prize. Poet F.D. Reeve's review of this book says: "This astonishing collection sweeps from the America of 50 years ago to the one today. Though ruthless plutocrats have brought the nation to its fall, Douskey knows that "even in twilight the land simmers."...This book of strong poetry stands out for its rich themes and its author's modest uprightness in a culture that thinks integrity is "an arcane idea." A wonderfully original, distinguished book that embraces our...

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