sábado, 31 de enero de 2015

Stoke Minster

Stoke Minster (officially: The Church of St. Peter ad Vincula) is the town centre and civic church in Stoke-upon-Trent, Stoke-on-Trent in England.
Name and dedication
The church is officially known as "The Church of St. Peter ad Vincula". The dedication to St. Peter ad Vincula ("Saint Peter in Chains") is an ancient and unusual one derived from the Basilica of San Pietro in Vincoli in Rome. It was informally renamed Stoke Minster in 2005 in recognition of the important role it plays in the civic life of Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire. The title "minster" is an honorific, sharing a common etymology with "monastery".
The first church on the site was built in wood in 670. This was replaced by a stone building in 805 and this was further extended over the years. The remains of this old Anglo-Saxon and former collegiate church can still be seen in the churchyard although the prominent...

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