The Mir Iqbal Hussain Trophy is an Indian football tournament for players under 16 years of age. The competition is held every year between the under-16 teams representing states of India. The tournament was started in 1977 for boys under the age 15 years. The tournament was constituted at the Darjeeling meeting of the AIFF on June 12, 1976. AIFF donated the trophy in the memory of former President of Karnataka Football Association, Mr. Mir Iqbal Hussain.
From the 2009-10 season onwards, the championship has been sponsored by Coca Cola and was rechristened as the Coca Cola MIHT for a period of 3 years. This also saw a change in the format of the tournament where there are three different levels before the selection of national team. At national level, total 12 state teams compete to decide the national winner state.
32nd edition of Sub Junior National Football Championship was conducted in 2009 with the new format. Subsequently, tournament has been held from...
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